Cook sausage into fine cuisine, quite easily, baked or fried, sausages were ready to eat. If it does not want to process sausage on the market, you can make your own sausages.
Process the meat into sausage glance looks easy, but rather than guess, better get to prove it. After that, many variations can you though of the sausage. In fact, the sausage can be made from various kinds of meat with a variety of spice blends. Check out how easy homemade sausage processing.
1. Decide what type of sausage you will make. Many different types you can choose to process the meat into sausage. There is a kind of sausage for breakfast, a sausage that is served during the summer, Italian sausage, Polish sausage, bratwurst sausages, and more.
2. Take the sausage special compactor machine (stuffer). You will need a machine to compress the meat grinder that you selected into the casing (cover) special sausage. Many types and sizes to make a sausage stuffer. Choose by type of sausage that you will make.
3. Use natural meats. The proportion of meat should be used more than other materials.
4. Make sure you have a lot of casing that is ready. Casing shape was varied and consisted of various sizes. Some are made of animal gut (sheep, goats, cows), collagen, or fibrous. Do not forget, check out the instructions of use, whether the case should first be soaked in water before use.
5. Add seasonings to the meat mixture to be made sausage. You can add the seasonings directly into meat mixture or when the sausage is already finished.
6. Insert the meat into a sausage casing. Ask for help from others to put meat into the casing, while you compress and operate the machine.
7. Enjoy the results. Fresh sausages ready to be served; be for breakfast, mixed into fried rice processed, until just cooked and eaten as a snack.
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